Last Updated 5 years by cneuhaus

After a long time the MCW was standing outside in the cruel world – now I found its time for a real home  – lets build it a home with 3D Printing.

I have used Tinkercad before, for my calendar (check out this picture)

Now, the MCW Watch-Case is more complicated, because – when I build the watch and the PCB – I did not think about the case. Hence -the case had to be build around the watch.

To get this done, I first measured all components of the MCW, starting from the e-Ink Display, the PCP, battery..everything. And build the case around it:

Actually, for me that was the only way to visualize the full result. I want to glue the different parts together, and fill in all components from the top.  Not sure, if I considered everything 🙂

For ordering I used

Its important that you should export each part separately from Tinkercad and upload as STL file to the order – after export into STL its not possible to get the files separated.

My order now is in Treatstock, 17€ including shipping – cant wait for the result:

How will the final result look like:



Categories: mcw


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