Back from the bin – how to get new live into my wonderful Samsung Tab S2 Tablet

In my very perosnal opinition, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 is one of the best tablets ever. Not because its so fast or great, but because its the perfect combination of performance and weight. Just light enough for reading in the evening (super thin),  enough performance to surf the internet and good sound to watch a Netflix. But…build in 2016.. and more updates from Samsung. Action needed… Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 (9,7, Wi-Fi sm-810) Read more…

Touchdisplay running on ESP8266 (Wemos) – RPI Remote Controll

Introduction I am using a 1.8 Inch LCD Screen SPI Serial Port Module TFT Color Display Touch Screen ST7735 (128*160)  for Arduino”, bought for 9€ from Details: Display Processor: ST7735, Touch Processor: XPT2046, Display Type: ZJY180-TV2.0,128*160, as ESP8266 I am using the WEMOS D1 Mini Pro (v 2.0) Its part of my Project “BigPi” to use the PI4 as my central home server. I decided it needs a display. Things should look Read more…

Migrating from MySQL to Postgres

I am having some trouble on the RPI 4 to get Rails installed and finding the right version of MYSQL (MariaDB) and ActiveRecord while running an older version of Rails and a newer version of Sphinx (search index). Anyway I always wanted to move to PostgreSQL…thats the time to do. The tool of my choise: PGLoader I realized pgloader does not like to run on the RPI, but the solution is easy: SourceDB (Cubietrack) <-> Read more…